Dal 2 al 6 luglio 2017 si svolge a Montpellier l’11esima edizione di EFITA 2017: EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE ENVIRONMENT.
Il 5 luglio nel pomeriggio è presentato il lavoro svolto da Diego Guidotti e Antonio Natale dal titolo:
“Agricolus smartIPM: a modular approach in Olive Decision Support System”.
Si tratta di un framework di modellazione con caso di utilizzo sull’olivo.
Ricordiamo brevemente le biografie degli autori:
- Diego Guidotti: PhD, Data analysis, Disease model expert, R&D – Agronomist; Esperienza di oltre 15 anni nell’analisi della progettazione e dello sviluppo di sistemi informativi.
- Antonio Natale: PhD(c), Geo B-I analytics and agro business, COO – GIS Expert; Esperienza di oltre 10 anni in ambito GIS, nella raccolta ed analisi di informazioni provenienti da dati geografici.
Questo l’abstract dell’intervento presentato:
An innovative DSS for olive orchard management has been developed bringing together the results of research activity of Aedit srl in collaboration with the Institute of Life Science of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in olive fruit fly management and fruit quality. The olive DSS aims to assist growers and technicians in the management of the several agronomic aspects of the production, making them aware of proper decision paths. The DSS is composed by modular and distributed applications with the following components: a weather data provider, a set of web services to access the crop and pest models, an interactive dashboard customizable by the users to interact with the models, and a Farm Management System to allow the integration of data and monitoring activities on-farm in the DSS. The modelling section holds the following models: olive tree phenology based on cumulative degree day, irrigation and fertilization requirements, olive fruit fly generation and phenology, olive fruit fly mortality because of summer high temperatures, olive fruit fly fertility due to environmental conditions, olive fruit fly adult emergence of overwintering generation, risk of infestation by the first summer generation of olive fruit fly estimated with temperatures of winter and spring.