Farms face many challenges related to economic uncertainty, increasing competition, but above all to climate change. In fact the extreme instability of climatic parameters, the problems linked to sudden frosts and drought, have made it essential to use tools able to predict these phenomena and consequently crops development in order to act promptly.
Data to be taken into consideration are many: for this reason, the DSS (Decision Support Systems) are also spreading in the agricultural sector. These systems process multiple data, integrate and compare them, with the aim of providing useful information to the farmer in his daily work.
And when it is necessary to monitor a lot of farms? Coordinate a lot of operators?
Agricolus Ecosystem is the solution designed to meet these needs and help agri-food processors, associations of producers, consortia and cooperatives.
The solution allows to view in a single interface the data of the farms involved, simplify agronomic management and track all activities related to production, with the aim of increasing the quality of the final product and the entire supply chain.
Agricolus Ecosystem scheme
Agricolus Ecosystem is structured on two or more levels: the main dashboard managed by the lead company, within which the subscriptions of the individual farms involved are linked. The lead company obtains a general overview of all the farms monitored and can decide to go into the specifics of those desired.
The Decision Support System thus amplifies its potential, compares the information of all farms and allows assessments to be made by crop, geographical areas and critical zones.
This is the goal of all those organizations that want to act on the basis of the data found, minimizing errors and waste of materials, resources and time.
Benefits for agri-food processors
Agri-food processors can easily manage the agronomic monitoring of the entire ecosystem with shared activities and data, supporting and communicating directly with the underlying farms and involving them in an active and responsible manner.
A pasta or tomato puree factory, for example, could monitor the companies that supply the wheat or tomatoes, support them in the prevention of plant diseases and demonstrate that good practices in the field allow them to be eco-sustainable and to ensure high quality standards.
Benefits for cooperatives
Cooperative have a great responsibility towards its member farms, have a complex structure and need to better organize the information coming from different branches.
The technical office and the collaborators are the operative heart and it is important to have a fast and efficient communication between them, with the possibility to organize the management for business centers.
Benefits for associations of producers
Associations of producers can create weather networks, send phytosanitary bulletins to individual farms and identify the geographical area of alert zones to warn farms of a possible risk.
Benefits for suppliers of agricultural products
The structure of the ecosystem is also useful to distributors of plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds that can combine their product with an innovative service and even more effective advice. The management of technicians and dealers becomes more streamlined and the constant monitoring by satellite allows to intervene promptly with the right suggestion.
And for the individual farm within the Ecosystem?
Last but not least, the single farm can obtain an advanced management system for data collection and analysis, together with the indications and suggestions of the lead company to best face future challenges.