Complete agronomic management

Agricolus Plus allows a 360° agronomic management through the use of multiple precision agriculture tools.

Farms receive guidance to efficiently use inputs, optimize crop operations and improve yields.

From 600 €/year

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The advantages of Agricolus Plus

  • Monitor fields and adopt targeted strategies
  • View the health of vegetation with satellite images
  • Defense from insects and diseases with forecasting models
  • Irrigate with the right irrigation dose, when necessary
  • Create prescription maps for an optimal fertilizer use
  • Collect data in the field quickly and easily with the App
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The package can be included in applications to receive funding and concessions

Screenshot of the Agricolus Plus web solution with forecast models of the various fields and crops


Geolocate the field on the map and draw it: features will be immediately hooked. You can enable the cadastral map and enter sheet and parcel information.

Consult Sentinel-2 satellite images of the field with vigor, water stress and chlorophyll indices, provided every 5 days at a spatial resolution of 10 meters.

for phenology, irrigation and fertilization available for all crops.

Monitor the economic (yield, production) and environmental (water consumption, input control and farm biodiversity) sustainability indicators of your farm. You can set the level to be reached for each indicator and monitor how the work is going.

Register where, how and when crop operations such as irrigation, treatments and fertilization have been carried out.
You can also access phytosanitary products database.

Create and assign to each crop its own production lot to improve traceability of operations. A QR code is also generated that allows you to access and share the dedicated web page where you can consult all the information on the product.

Virtual weather station included to use forecast models; physical weather stations and sensors can be purchased or integrated, if already present in the company.

Geolocate and register into the platform the field activities with Agricolus’s App: phenology, pests and diseases, traps and captures, crop damage, soil analysis and issues.

Consult professional weather forecasts up to 7 days updated every hour: temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall.

Decision support with historical data and forecast information of interest and suggestions on actions to be taken.

Register and quickly visualize your crop planning to better plan the following season.

Choose the most suitable vegetation index to draw up the prescription map and carry out a variable rate fertilization.

Create and assign to your collaborators the activities to be carried out in the farm in real time.

Consult your farm’s historical data and select a date from the past to analyze and compare accurate information on previous seasons.

Register your agricultural machinery, any problems and maintenance carried out. You can also connect them to Agricolus by using Agrirouter.

Additional modules and services

Additional modules and services

processing of satellite images dating back to past years.

purchase or rental of agrometeo stations and automatic traps within the platform.

Schermata della soluzione web di Agricolus Plus con modelli previsionali dei vari campi e colture

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