

From Agricolus Free

The FAQ menu item is no longer just a button but inside it you can find:  

  • Frequently asked questions to open the FAQ;  
  • Contact us; 
  • Initial tour explaining all the features of Agricolus.


From Agricolus Free

By entering or modifying the details of a field you can add the “Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)” feature.


From Agricolus Free

The company statistics have been moved from the “Fields” functionality and transferred to this dedicated page. Here you will find all the information regarding the company structure to have a global vision at a glance: hectares used, area details by crop, breakdown by type of management, by title of possession, by slope and by irrigation area.


From Agricolus Plus

Agricolus is enriched with a new functionality for controlling the sustainability of the agricultural company. By clicking on “Sustainabilityyou can select the items: economic, environmental, targets list. In each of these there are indicators which, depending on the data entered during the season, show you the economic and environmental data and compliance with the set objectives.

  • Economic indicators: on this page you will find the yield index, expressed in tonnes, and the production index, expressed in t/ha. To view the data it is necessary to choose the crop of interest, using the “filter” icon which is located to the right of the search bar.

Further, through the arrow which is located on the right of the indicator, you can view the graph showing the data divided by field to download using the appropriate icon.

  • Environmental indicators: on this page, without having to filter by crop, you will find indices referring to:
    • total and average water consumption;

    • total and average fertilizer use for N, P and K;

    • corporate biodiversity, which contains crop diversity expressed through the Shannon Index, density and average size of the plots, percentage of uncultivated land and density of the different crops.

  • Furthermore, by filtering by crop you can access further indices and information such as:
    • Water use efficiency: average amount of water used to produce one tonne (m3/t) of product;
    • N, P and K use efficiency: amount of N, P and K used to produce one tonne (kg/t) of product;
    • Number of treatments per field;
    • Respect for the objectives set through the “targets list” page, if the target is respected the writing will be colored green, otherwise it will be red.

  • Targets List: through this page you can view your company’s objectives, which you can filter by crop or indicator. To add objectives click on the button , select the crop and indicator of interest and enter the limit value; in the same way you can modify existing objectives, selecting the crop and the indicator you want to change.

Forecasting models

From GrainDSS, GrapeDSS and Oliwes

In the defense models regarding olive fly (Bactrocera oleae), gray vine mold (Botrytis Cinerea), Fusariosis, Septoriosis and Yellow Rust you will find the suggestion on the action to take based on the calculated risk.

Decision Support

From GrainDSS, GrapeDSS and Oliwes

You can also find suggestions on the action to take based on the calculated risk for olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae), gray vine mold (Botrytis Cinerea), Fusariosis, Septoriosis and Yellow Rust.

Production lots

From Agricolus Plus                                                                                                             

You can create and view cards relating to existing and closed production batches, add collection operations and generate QR codes linked to the production batch card.

To add a new production batch use the icon. After entering the information regarding the product, it is possible to directly associate the collection operations by clicking on the “Save and associate” button, or associate them subsequently using the “Save” button.

A tab will open where you will see all the harvesting operations relating to the selected crop.

Harvesting cultivation operations can be added to the lot through a selection; furthermore, for each one the quantity of product associated with the lot must be indicated, which must necessarily be lower than the total quantity collected for that field.

In each lot there are three icons on the right of the card with which it is possible to modify it by adding new collection operations, delete it, or download a QR code linked to the respective traceability card. The QR code can be printed by clicking on the button or downloaded via the icon .

Through the QR code, without having to log in to your account, from any device you can view the page dedicated to the batch traceability sheet which shows: name of the manufacturer, place of origin, data on the production batch and information regarding the operations carried out during cultivation. Viewable by clicking on the button .


From Agricolus Plus

In the Crop operations section, by entering a harvest, you can directly add the lot number to which to associate the operation. Once saved, you will be transferred to the chosen lot tab.